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Yantai Addcare Bio-Tech Co., Ltd.
Yantai Addcare Bio-Tech Co., Ltd.
Shandong, China


Yarı otomatik analiz cihazı
Tam otomatik kan gruplama sistemi
Tam otomatik ELISA iş istasyonu
Total laboratory solution for CoV-19 
  • Laboratory and medical refrigerators (Transfer&stock Vaccine)
  • Nucleic Acid Extraction system with kits NEXOR32 NEXOR96 CH96 
  • Real-Time PCR System with kits LEPGEN96 & CoV-2
  • SARS-CoV-2 Antigen rapid test kit (colloidal gold immunochromatography)
  • SARS-CoV-2 Antibody test kit (colloidal gold immunochromatography)
  • Finger oximeter& Infrared forehead thermometers
  •  AI-Thermo monitoring system & Armfit 
LEPU SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test Kit
CE COVID-19 antibody rapid test
LEPU IVDNEXOR 32 NEXOR 96Automated DNA RNA extraction system
LEPU IVD LEPGEN96 real time qPCR system& SARS- CoV- 2 Detection series kits
LEPU Infrared forehead thermometer


Fully automated immunoassay workstation 


LEPU IVD Addcare Total automated workflow in laboratory



Fully automated Blood groupign system
Tube labeling system Rodeman
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